Saturday, August 22, 2009

That's all for now

Dear Students,

Today, we are in a different place from where we started. The market continued it's troubles well into 2009. The consumer began to stay home and buy less. Jobs continued disappearing so that at the time of this writing the national unemployment rate is near 10%.

On the bright side, my goings on about Apple, Inc. (AAPL) paid off and I sold all my shares for a 25% profit and I'm now buying an apartment in Manhattan. Of course, the two have nothing to do with each other, but it sounds cool to say that and make it sound, well... pompous, really.

Nevertheless, I only hope that we will be richer, not poorer; healthier and happier, for ever and all time. All the best to you, keep on saving 20% of everything you ever make and invest for the long term, you'll be fine.

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